Thursday, April 10, 2014

About 'chai' the Mata Puteh for form

It all depends on your hobby objectives. The usual thing for most bird-keepers to do is to hang their Putehs with other Putehs in hope that:-

(1) The bird will be used to performing even when placed amongst many other Putehs

(2) Some hope their Putehs will 'absorb' or learn to perform like the good ones

(3) That their Putehs will be 'teased' or 'provoked' or 'challenged' so that their Putehs will peak their performance. 

That’s the usual thing.

BUT if your objective is to simply enjoy their singing and companionship plus perhaps to enjoy their observing their behavior, then there really isn't a need to 'chai' your Puteh with other Putehs.

I believe that a bird will come into form due to other factors: mainly:

1) That their cage/aviary is clean and the environment is bird friendly

2) FOOD - this is a very important aspect which cannot be compromised

3) BATH - this is also very important. Contrary to what most people think, bathing is merely to keep bird's plumage beautiful, in fact bathing serves a very important function.
A bird depends very much on its feathers to be able to fly AND more often than not, its plumage will help determine whether it will get a mate. Any bird - whether a Jambul or Puteh or a Hornbill - will spend lots of time preening themselves to ensure their most precious possession, their feathers, are in tip top condition.

If you have observed birds in the wild, the ones with poor plumage condition will almost never get a mate and more likely to be chased away by other male birds whose plumage are in excellent brilliant condition.

The moral is: - the more often you bathe the Puteh (or any bird) you can be sure it will be in top form.

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