These are some
pointers which I look out when choosing:
a) Look for those with slim and long body, no deformed feet
b) Make sure those do not have any bad habits like head
rotation or even somersault.
c) Look out for middle tone. If one does, confirm male. This
type of birds can normally choose already.
A good bird combines all these, the length/pitch of buka
really depends on luck and the duration which you rear the bird and how you
take care of it. Let me quote an example. If the bird which you have chosen has
very good genes, the dad may be a champion bird. If you feed it with the wrong
food, don't bath it regularly, or even keep the bird in the wrong location in
your house when it can get quite warm in the day time, then it starts to drink
more water and develops water droppings etc…
Tips Choosing Male
Puteh Bird Guides
1. Birds moving agile and aggressive.
2. The birds are not defective.
3. Body Postures and are proportionate in length.
4. Dry Fur, neat but not dull and symmetrical clamp wings
5. Larger Broad Head with long neck.
6. The base of the beak is thick, long and wide; half the
width of the base of the beak is aligned with.
7. Feet dry with strong gripping at standing.
8. Call Tones out loud and sonorous, the thickness of
Puteh’s spectacles in times of molting, the glasses will thin out, Puteh bird’s
tail shaped forms either V or flat.
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